Nobody gives me a prize for surviving

Life is very unfair.
I struggle every day,
My struggles are much worse than those of healthy people and of high functioning schizophrenics.
However, in the eyes of society I can only get scorn
because I am not “successful”.


Survival is the prize. Many don’t.


U have won my heart my friend …!!! Ur already a winner erez …!!!


Yes no need for gratification. Many of my friends have passed from similar misunderstood disease and illness. Just do you man!!! I get what you mean erez but at the end of the day everyone cares about themself.

Like when I see a sz become famous or successful. They didn’t do as much damage as I did. Of course it was drugs that caused it for me. But just to get to almost normal functionality is a miracle for me!!! I think it’s more impressive that I am as sane as I am than that one woman who takes clozaril and is famous to become famous. I was a lost cause. I do it for myself though because life is beautiful anda gift in itself. Don’t need the gratification. It is great I can smell the roses. I used to have no joy. that is a reward in itself!

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@Jonnybegood that’s the spirit!!!
Life is invaluable no matter the condition.

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Why don’t you take some programming courses and get a certificate or something?

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@insidemind don’t be ridixulous.
My schizophrenia is very severe, can’t do anything like this never ever.

Mine is pretty bad too. I just sit at my computer and take online courses for free or at a reduced cost. Have you heard of SoloLearn?


I have a problem cognitively @insidemind, it is impossible to study if your cognitive symptoms are severe.

Keep enduring to the end…

You might not get any awards for surviving, but you sure feel better about yourself when you do.

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Give yourself a prize for surviving, Erez.

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I know. have faith & patience.

@Erez_Shmerling, put your efforts on something. If you can write here, you can study. If you remember your name, you can study.

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hey @brugluiz I can’t study no.
Can’t even read.
Not today at least.


I agree with @shutterbug! When I turned 50 last January I knew I had really accomplished something.
My prize is survival and improved functioning as I’ve gotten older. I’m not here to impress anyone.

How many other people get a prize for surviving? And who’s giving these prizes?

Realize survival is the prize.