No voices today!

Maybe the Abilify is starting to work? I’ve been on it for a couple weeks now, started at 20mg then went up to 30mg.

The akathasia is pretty bad, going to ask for Cogentin on Monday (pdoc appointment) but luckily I have a job that lets me move around a bunch.

Still struggling with some unusual beliefs, thought insertion etc. But no hallucinations!!


Cool!!! I’m happy for you :blush:. The abilify must be working. What were your voices like when you had them? Smart and intelligent?

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How long have you been hearing voices?

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They mostly just said garbage nonsense, or else tried to make me paranoid and self-harm. I’ve been hearing them for more than a year now, but it got really bad in the last few months when I went off my medication


I’m glad you found a medicine that works for you again. I’d never go out for my meds, my voices were experts in making me think they were real and caused me loads of delusions, thank god a med to ncrease got rid of mine. They were super scary :ghost:

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Scary is the right word for sure. Boo!

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Wow, congrats on the no voices. That must be a relief.

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Glad to hear you are feeling better!
So sorry to hear you’ve been going through a rough patch. :frowning:
Hope it keeps on improving, abilify worked well for me so far.


I find abilify to be a great AP. It did take about 3 months for it to fully take effect and settle things down though. I started on 15mgs then reduced to 10mgs. I hope it really works out for you.


Me too, took about two months but then it has been working so far


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