Nightmares and PTSD

I know this isn’t schizophrenia related.

I am still on a waiting list to talk to a psychologist about what happened during birth in October last year.

I am plagued with nightmares. They all revolve around me facing death in one way or another.

It’s only started since what happened.

I got a call last week from the person I will be seeing to say they haven’t forgotten about me waiting and how I am doing.

In the meantime starting tomorrow I will be doing a group session once a week with others who have been through similar situation with a psychologist. I hope it helps.

It’s online though on video call which I hate.

Anyway it’s been a rough night again.

Hope your all well and having a better night than me.


Are you able to take nightmare meds ? I was on one and it helped a lot. But it’s a blood pressure med so not everyone can take it.

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I didn’t know there were medications for nightmares. I’ll have to query that with my doctor. Thanks.

Maybe something like trazadone would help? Anyway I hope you feel better soon

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I’ve been challenged with trauma related nightmares. Even if you don’t like the video meeting, it’s better than being alone. They can help. I know how severe ptsd nightmares can get, but there’s hope. Every chance to talk them out softens them a bit. Hang in there, you’ll make it another day.


When you talk to your doctor, I believe the med is prazosin. It is primarily a blood pressure med, but can be used for PTSD nightmares. The website says it may not be safe for breastfeeding.


Ty. I am not breastfeeding so I will ask about it. I hate taking pills though that’s the only thing.

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I took prazosin for my PTSD nightmares, however, what really proved beneficial was flash therapy by a trained trauma therapist. It took it away completely after a few sessions of it. I still get nightmares, but luckily not those nightmares that was associated with my PTSD. I hope this helped.

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