We are getting new internet today at my parents. Thank god because the service we have now is not good enough to even watch Netflix. We are going from 1-3mbps to 10mbps. I might even be able to play Online games. I’ve missed that. Star Wars battlefront is my favorite online game to play
That’s what I have. 10mbps would be great.
My parents live in the boonies so we don’t have many options. Luckily a new company just set up a tower so we can get faster internet. Maybe I’ll finally start doing something other than being on my phone all day
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What country are you guys in? We have 1.5Gbps internet here. We pay 55$/month for our 1Gbps fiber internet. We use around 2000Gb/month.
Damnnn. That’s fast internet for cheap. We pay 50$ a month for 10mbps. Here in the USA. Where we get ripped off for using public services
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I think I have like 2.5mbps for equivialent to 35 USD, but that’s included cabletv. It is enough for what I use it for.
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