Hi I’m new here my therapist told me to try this out so here I am. About 2 months ago I got diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia I’m still fully functional as long as I’m medicated only have episodes of psychosis every once in a while now feels like I’m in a dream and nothing around me is real or even I’m not real I see patterns and letters in plain surfaces such as a carpet or wall. Also I have a voice in my head like it’s own separate consciousness it thinks things and shows me terrible thoughts and impulsive urges about hurting others and it landed me in the hospital last week cause my barriers I keep in my mind have been worn down by his constant bombardment I’ve had him there for years wispering things and I don’t know how to think without his presence. I guess I’m just wondering if anyone has a similar problem that can give some good advice to help me focus thru the delusions and tell what’s real and what’s not
Welcome! I hope you can find good support here
I am having a sort of similar issue where I believe there is something very malevolent and cruel that basically wants to torture me endlessly in a never ending variety of ways. When faced with something that evil it is hard to believe it is your own brain.
Hello and welcome aboard!
Welcome Cataclysm. I used to see patterns that weren’t really there as well.
Welcome to the forum @Cataclysm
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Welcome to our wonderful group! I hope you will enjoy it here as much as I do. I get these symptoms above too. You’re not alone.
Welcome to the forum
welcome buddy …!!!