New Here: Not DX’d

Hi, so I hope this is the right section for this. If not please direct me to the correct section. I was recently hospitalized due to what I now know are hallucinations. I’m not able to talk about these things with anyone in my life so I’m coming here to try and make sense of what’s going on. I’m lost and scared. I’ve been hallucinating for years and nobody would take me seriously. I always told them what was going on and they all basically told me that I would know if I was hallucinating. I found this hard to believe when at times I can’t tell what’s real and what’s not. Anyways, so I’m my most recent hospitalization it was discovered I have in fact been hallucinating. The doctor also mentioned something about Schizophrenia to which I can’t remember. I know that hallucinations can come from many different things. I’m not claiming to have any dx that I haven’t had a doctor tell me I have. I don’t self-diagnose I’m just a scared 22 year old who won’t get to see their psych till the 31st of this month. So until this day I’m just trying to go in with as much knowledge and sense I can put to all this. I’m slowly remembering what happened in the hospital. The one thing that keeps playing over and over in my head is me in bed fighting with the “voices”. Eventually I just kept repeating, “It’s not my fault” and I was shaking. All I know is that I drifted off or blacked out I’m not sure. All I know is that when I came back or woke up I had missed dinner and they told me that they called everyone to dinner which I don’t remember hearing anyone. It’s like there was a gap in time for me because I’m slowly remembering my hospital stay. I just can’t remember time frames especially with the fighting of the “voices”.


Welcome to the forum. It’s good to have you.

It’s common to have to wait for the sz or sza diagnosis. Sometimes we go through several before reaching it. Good luck!

Welcome to the forum! This is a safe place to talk about your symptoms, your life, pretty much anything. It can be very scary when you first start the treatment process, but it can get better. I’ve had schizophrenia for 16 years now. I have been in recovery for the past 5, and completely symptom free for the past 3. You can live whatever life you want to. It’s just important to follow your treatment plan.

I forgot my new member moderator info! If you need help with something just call a mod by using the @ symbol and our name

@DearZombie @Ninjastar @anon9798425 @Moonbeam


Welcome to the forum :sunny:

It can be a lot to take in initially. Good luck with your appointment on the 31st. You should get more clarity then.

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Welcome @HellHere!

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Welcome to the forum @HellHere…I hope you find the right med t help you soon

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Thank you, and I hope I do I have a follow up with the outpatient people of the hospital this coming week and I don’t want to go. I need to though to see if they can give me more meds. They discharged me with only 3 days so I haven’t been able to really take them I’m having to space them out a bit.

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Thank you, I will keep this in mind. I’m glad your recovery has lead to you being 3 years without symptoms. It helps me see that this doesn’t have to be forever.

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Thank you, it’s all so terrifying.

It took me two years of treatment since it started but the delusions and paranoia did go away for me. I still hear and see things but I have my head on straight now. There’s always a lot of hope for at least a partial recovery, especially if you haven’t been diagnosed long.

Welcome to the forum, I hope it helps!

Welcome to the forum! This place is great you get to really feel like it’s okay to be us!

I’m not diagnosed it’s just something the psych in the hospital mentioned so I’ve been trying to gain a better understanding of everything before I see my psych on the 31st. I’ve had the symptoms for years now. It’s complicated though because of trauma and other diagnosis that I have.

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Thank you, I really hope you’re right because right now I’m anything, but okay.

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It’s okay to feel that way, it’s going to be a bumpy road but not an impossible one to get through!

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Thank you for the validation it honestly means a lot. There’s just so much and I feel as though it’ll never end.

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Heya! Welcome to the forum.

I understand how scary it is if you are experiencing this for the first time. I had my first psychosis when I was just 14. I was a terrified teenager who wanted to be free from what I was hearing.

Please keep us updated. You are not alone.

That’s so scary. Thank you for sharing your experience and encouragement with me. I remember being about 15 and in the psych hospital. I didn’t eat, sleep, or talk for 3 days and nights later on I found out the psych believed I was having some type of psychotic break or something. That was really scary for me.

You will see good days. Its all kind of new. You found the right place. Welcome here.

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Welcome to the forum!!! That must have been so scary for you. It may have just been a psychotic break, you may end up with any of several different diagnoses. Schizophrenia isn’t the only illness that causes psychosis. Just make sure to tell the dr on the 31st everything so they get a clear picture of what’s going on. If you have any kind of psychosis, not just schizophrenia, you’re welcome in this forum, so I’m glad you are here. This is a great community to be a part of.