I know I have been through worse than composing an introductory post on a forum, but I can’t at the moment recall any experience more unpleasant.
Recent sz dx, but 30+y of “mental health issues.” On and off medications, in and out of professional care for about three decades.
I’m not particularly social but personal preference sometimes must give way to health needs. I have learned, perhaps the hard way, social interaction is as important to overall health and stability as food, sleep, and recreation.
My schizophrenic symptoms are of the “disorganized” variety, and I know I am fortunate to not be plagued by paranoia. There are no local support groups in my area for schizophrenics, or even a more general “mental health” group - only support groups for family members (a rant for another time). So here we are.
I guess being hospitalized was more unpleasant than composing this. But only by a little.