You make your own beats? And also keep it up man, you can only get better at art @Jonnybegood
Nah I get em off YouTube or zwolfgang makes them. I’ve tried but I’m not crazy passionate about anything but emceeing and poetry and writing and vocalizing and stuff . Thank you much. I appreciate it a lot.
Yeah np man. Art is the only thing I’m interested in anymore
Art is an ever expanding genre of all sciences and principles and creations and even business now. I feel like being interested in art is a good one because it’s all encompassing
What genres of music inspire you? @Jonnybegood
Hip hop and classic rock are my main inspirations. Mostly hip hop. And I listen to all Genres but classic rock my second favorite. Doors Jefferson airplane and Rolling Stones for example!!
Oh nice… there’s a song I would love to show you but uhh don’t think it’s appropriate on here😔
Post it it’s just a song!!
It’s subject matter tho. Can I msg it to you?
Eh ■■■■ it I’ll post it…
Lol you still there? @Jonnybegood
Sorry man I’ll listen in a second just saw your post but I’m on a phone call
Oh thank you for that it was sick. I loved the last verse especially
Np bro was jw 1638
I don’t think you should feel it’s too triggering
Yeah dude check his othe r stuff… it might inspire you he’s extremely talented
Lol it’s a real 911 call that could easily trigger some people I would think
I’m sure most of us can relate in some way