Nervous about a good day

Does anyone else get a bit nervous if a day goes TOO well? It’s almost like it’s too good to be true or it can’t last or it will all end tomorrow or soon.

Today was a very good day. Got a lot caught up at work, saw a friend and we almost managed to swim a 500 in under 10 minutes.

I managed to sew the buttons back on both my favorite pairs of jeans. That’s two more pairs of pants I don’t have to buy now.

Got a good grade on my english paper, Did a solid B on my math homework, and managed to make a decent soup and not burn anything. I even used the phone again and made a call out. It worked out well. I managed to get three more boxes of odds and ends out of the house and donate them. (kitchen stuff we will never need.)

I am very seriously contemplating burning my kidnapping training journals this weekend. They are closer to the door then they used to be.

As I sit here in this slightly cleaner apartment with a little more space and enjoy a bowl of soup while my sis does her homework, I’m feeling that all is well.

But then, is it too well?

Does anyone else get like this?

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I do. I usually get thoughts of getting into a wreck and dying if I’m about to get in my car. I’ll sometimes fear that one of my parents will die. I try to think of something else or be mindful of what I’m doing.

I’m a bit on those lines. I don’t want to die by any stretch. If an accident takes me quick, I wouldn’t know or have a say. But I would hate it worse if I was so physically maimed that I’m even more of a burden then I was before. I do worry about that at times.

I’m also worse then my parents if my sis is late home from anywhere.

I have morbid thoughts about myself and my family dying. I hate that. But if a day goes well, I am pleased not worried. When life is good then make the most of it. Everyone has good days and bad days but most of us muddle through somewhere in the middle. I think a lot of depressed people think other people have it easy. They have just as many problems as us it’s just that their problems r different. The grass isn’t always greener as it were. Just enjoy the good times and try and get through the bad. That’s what I do anyway. Xxx

You’ve worked so hard to get to where you are today! You deserve to enjoy many, many more good days ahead. Just stay positive and stay in the moment!



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Being maimed would be awful.
I tend to worry from my own invention more than from actual events. It’s like I just block some things out.

i am always like that i think it is just a sz thing !
but good on you for having an awesome day, and using the telephone…thirty five steps ahead of me…
take care

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