picking. I can’t stop! I’ve done it my whole life off and on but right now it’s gotten really bad and I’m really hurting myself. The wounds are getting infected and causing my lymph nodes to swell and be painful. I’m on my third day of trying to stop and I’m failing miserably. Does anyone have any experience quitting this compulsion? Or can you think of any strategies? I need help please.
Cut your nails short,
Very short.
Keep them super filed and smooth so you’re not tempted to pick them,
And with your new short nails, you’ll be unable to pick anything else.
That’s what I did, still have to keep my nails pretty short or at least painted so its harder to pick…
What helped me with this same/similar problem was fidgets. A knot, or worry stone, spikey ball, fidget cube or spinner, play doh, slime or goo like the stuff on nickelodeon. I have a whole box of things on the living room table and some in the car. Then there are bigger things that help distract the mind as well like needlepoint, knitting, crochet or play an instrument, etc.
Also rubber bands. What is the stretchy gluey stuff that you can mush? I really cannot think of the name of it…
A slinky to pass between hands. Stuffed animal to stroke or fiddle with. spaghetti fidget is great.
A lot of these fidgets you can get at a dollar store.
Sometimes I find wearing nail polish helps because you can pick at the nail polish. Also
oranges can help because you have to pick off the peel. You could also try wearing gloves though.
Idk if any of these will help you but I hope you can kick they habit
When it comes to picking, I have yet to figure out a resolution myself…I find keeping my hands busy does seem to help though. I have a tendency to pick out hair or at my skin…it’s an unhealthy compulsion.
Do you have OCD?
I have some OCD tendancies but I don’t think I meed the criteria for the disorder.
Do you have a problem eating your nails? If is so, I also have it. What you can do is every time you feel a urge to do it stop. Remember it to yourself because sometimes is unconsciously. I lasted two weeks without doing it.
Also get acrylic nails You can’t even pop a zit with those.
Biofeedback helps me with my compulsions. They used to think I had OCD, but it turned out to be Tourette’s. Biofeedback takes away the basic desire to perform my compulsions, so I’m not constantly battling myself. Most practitioners will let you pay on a sliding scale.
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