How do I stop picking my skin?

I keep picking my feet’s skin sometimes until it bleeds. I don’t know how to stop it.

It hurts when I walk.

Cut your nails really short so you can’t pick.


I pick too till I bleed. It hurts so bad. I don’t know how to stop. I’m taking Cymbalta to help. I’m starting Naltrexone to see if that will stop me.

I get pleasure from it, its addicting, idk why. I pick everyday but it doesn’t bleed everyday, once every 1-2 weeks.

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I pick too,

So I know what you’re feeling.

But picking your feet until they bleed is really too much.

I really suggest cutting those nails or keeping socks on so you’re not tempted.


For me I’ve tried cutting my nails, wearing gloves, putting on creams, wearing hats (I pick my scalp) , keeping my scalp wet with Bactine, wearing fake nails and none of it matters because I’m compelled to pick and I will do anything to do it. I’m in prison. I’m praying this new medicine works. If it doesn’t I’m going to have to find a hypnotherapist somehow. There’s some in a town 90 miles away but I don’t have a car so I would have to find a way to get there and find a way to pay for the hypnotherapy. There’s a hypnotherapist online, but she charges $2000.

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Also I pick my face, nails and arms

What you guys need is something called a suitable replacement behavior. I had a big problem with biting my hangnails until they bled. So I started painting them with a special bitter flavored nail polish designed to stop kids from sucking their thumbs. The bad taste alerts me that I am doing it. Then I force myself to stop, and start chewing gum instead.

Fidgit jewelry can help. Picking apart your clothes instead of your skin can help. You don’t want to ruin your clothes, but it is certainly better than hurting your body. Carrying a Styrofoam block and picking pieces out of it can help. You need to find a repetitive, soothing behavior that gives you the same sensory feedback as picking.

You could try wearing a bracelet with a ribbon on it, and picking apart strands of the ribbon. Then, when that ribbon is too frayed, replace it with a new ribbon.

Whatever works for you. In the beginning, it is so hard to stop. But after some practice, you can retrain your brain to subconsciously reach for the replacement behavior instead of picking.


I tried a replacement behavior I was still compelled to pick. I had a foam stress ball that I was picking apart as well as using as a stress ball and I bought a sticker art book figuring I could pick stickers to fulfill my need for picking put I still felt compelled to pick. I am beside myself.

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