When I close my eyes after a while I start thinking random things it’s not hypnagogic because I’m completely awake it’s just my thought
The imagination is wild when you close your eyes and let it do whatever. Is that what you mean?
No it’s like aphasia
I’m not familiar with a couple of your terms, but I think what you describe happens to everyone, especially if you have insomnia. It does to me.
like you will be laying down and randomly think the horse is chilling??
Maybe. That is probably okay, unless you think the horse is sending you messages.
When you are relaxing and chill I think your mind can tend to wander to lots of random things. I agree with crimby. It doesn’t sound like a cause for concern to me.
Anyone else?? The thoughts I think make no sense at all they’re random and I realize they’re random after I’ve though about them
That sounds completely normal.
I think a lot of things, but they make sense, just contemplating stuff, personal stuff but also other stuff I’ve read about, and random stuff too. Sometimes I can’t stop thinking and it gets annoying, especially if I am trying to fall asleep. I don’t know how to stop my mind from thinking, I usually just have to wait until it stops on its own. I’ve looked for tips to calm my mind, mostly meditation is recommended were you let the thoughts come and go and don’t fixate on them. I really haven’t found a technique that stops my thoughts on command.
I don’t think it’s normal because I can’t find anything on it and so far no one has described what I’m experiencing I don’t know how else to explain it because I’m completely aware and it’s not like it another voice other than my own it’s not like I’m hearing thought which aren’t mine these are my own thoughts in a dementia like state
Yeah sounds normal to me.
Try not to overthink things.
I know what you mean. Usually happens when I’m super tired and delirious. Maybe it’s related to word salad, this inability to concentrate on what you’re saying and make coherent sense
There is an experience associated with cannabis use called ‘the giggles’ where word association is amplified. Certain combinations of words seem humorous, even if they are nonsensical. It could be rhyming words, or slang accents, or movie quotes, just with an emphasis on how they roll off the tongue. It’s as if certain sounds had a pleasant texture or flavour to them, beyond their everyday sound. Does this sound similar to what you are experiencing?
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