My neck feels rigid and stiff but I have full mobility. It is painful and discomforting. It feels loose and without strength. It causes me physical and mental discomfort. I think it is caused by being on high doses of antipsychotics. Does anyone know what this is called?
Has this been going on for more then a week because if it has talk to a doctor. If not you probably slept on it wrong. I do it all the time worst feeling ever.
Probably on and off for a couple of months.
If you are spending too much time sitting in the front of computer it can cause the pain.
A lot of stress can also cause it, and sleeping position as well as any position you keep for too long without stretching.
There are some exercises and massage specially for that part- you can try to Google it. You’ll probably need some kind of pain killer to start with.
( I was going to physiotherapy few months for the same reason. It happened on the college because I spent a lot of hours writing essays on the laptop)
And yes its a loot of pain. Sucks. But its treatable.
If you can I would see a doctor or talk to psychiatrist
It does go away. It seems like I get some level of discomfort every day. I will talk to my psychiatrist this week about it. I doubt she would give me pain killers. Do you think Cogentin would help?
I don’t know in my opinion seeing a medical doctor on the issue couldn’t hurt