Narcissistic abuse

Have narcissistic father, with stepmother both vary distant and emotionaly neglectful growing up and gaslighted my whole life and turn my family against, I have very few friends and I’m dealing with thought Broadcasting

Perceiving behavior as gaslighting could just be a fault of your own perception. A mental health issue.

I have few friends also, but I don’t mind that much. I have to focus on my health issues before I can open up. Otherwise it’s basically torture.

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Everybody on this forum including you is my friend.

Hope your symptoms decrease!

Thank you for kind words

Yeah i should focus on myself first

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Are you on medications and seeing a psychiatrist?

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Psychiatrist was only in it for the money seen him for 6 months refuse to help me just gave me a Blank Stare maybe wanted to hurt me if you could, medication did not work I was on perphenazine

Thought broadcasting isn’t any fun and medications do help. Might pay to try another doc and try a different med. Just about everyone here is on meds in one form or another. Just the nature of the beast.

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That’s all I get; gaslighting from Total nutcases. What can you do?

Yes, I get thought broadcasting every now and then when I am over tired. The trick to me is knowing that it is not real. I have resolved myself to the fact that it is impossible and it is simply my Brain playing tricks of on me. …and yes, I take antipsychotics as prescribed every single day.

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