My vision out of right eye is just horrible today

I don’t understand why if the issue is cataracts, there is such a large degree of change from day to day.

I mean seriously, today I can’t even read forum size print on a pc out of my right eye, its so foggy.

A few days ago I could. Slight fog, but could read.

I don’t know. Will be glad when surgery is done.


I can’t see well when driving at night, I read its a possible side effect of Lasik.

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Yeah, I have issues with driving at night , as well.

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My eyesight has become blurry as of late

I do have tiny cataracts in both eyes, maybe they have worsened?

I see my eye doctor next month

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Will you be willing to have surgery if they have?

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My vision is blurry. I think it’s the meds.


one of my eyes gets blurry if i stay up too long

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benztropine i remember they said its very common to get blurry vision on it. i was afraid id have terrible sight permanently when they started me on it


It depends how severe my cataracts are

If they are large enough then yes but knowing me I’ll probably chicken out and procrastinate the procedure for a while.

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how scary…sorry man.


Can you contact your eye doctor just in case something other than the cataract is affecting your right eye? Just to be on the safe side.

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My husband works in the scheduling department for the eye clinic at a big hospital/medical center.

Since you are also diabetic, I would recommend you call your eye doctor tomorrow morning. If they dont have a quickly available opening, they can do a triage call that’s sent to the clinical team with all your details. They can then get you into their on-call clinic within a day or two if appropriate.

I wouldn’t delay having this checked out.

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