Me in the house chilling. Alone meditating…waiting for the near better future. How life should be
Am going to meditate too and try and let go of the things I have no control over.
I do a lot of chilling in my home - resting, over thinking, worrying etc…
It all gets old.
Laying in the bed, window is wide opened, breathing.
I’ll probably eat something now. and
Since I work every day my Fridays are no different than any other day for me. It sucks not having anything to look forward to, except once every 3 weeks I get a long swing.
You work every day? Weekends too?
So that is what having four kids looks like.
Yes, I work seven days a week on a rotating shift schedule, where I work one week 11pm-7am, next week 3pm-11pm, next week 7am-3pm. I need to work so much to support everyone, but it wears me down being away from home all the time. I only get days off when I take vacation, which I can’t afford to do very often.
A Dad, ladies and gentlemen. I bow to you, seriously.
It’s a big job and rewarding being a parent
Thank you @Sarad, I try my hardest. And you’re right @haete, being a dad is the only thing that has given me purpose in life. Before that I was selfish and reckless, just completely out of control and didn’t give a ■■■■ about myself or anything else. It has changed me tremendously.
@anon68237654 Wow! That’s a heavy duty work schedule.That rotating shift schedule sounds tough—doesn’t that mess with your sleep cycle? Do you get any time off after the third week?
Kudos to you for being such a good provider for your family. That’s impressive.
Thank you, it is rough, but my sleep has adapted pretty well. And no, no time off, it just starts all over again. I usually go 4-5 months without taking a day off, sometimes more. But when I was psychotic last year I took medical leave for almost 2 months, and we have been struggling to keep up ever since. Some weeks I’ll even work extra shifts on top of my normal schedule, just to try to keep us ahead.
I’m just thankful that last year I got a new job within my company that isn’t very demanding physically or mentally, because I don’t think I’d be able to still do my old job.
Yikes, that is a long time without a break. If I may ask, what is the purpose behind a rotating shift as opposed to, for example, working the same 8 hrs shift every day.
Honestly I’m not too sure, I think it’s just so someone doesn’t get stuck working 11pm-7am all the time, but I wouldn’t be surprised if there was an advantage for the company some how.
I feel like working…I haven’t been employed for a few months now
Well, I’m glad you got the new less demanding job. Although I’m still kinda floored that you work everyday for months with no break. My hat’s off to you for sure.
Typically I watch a movie or go out to eat. I often watch a movie then read an article. I was taught by a professor in clinical to read one article a day every day of the year. Just takes a database search of a topic, pick the most influential paper on the topic with the “times cited” filter, and then learn, reading 365 articles a year. That’s like an Ivy League lit review of a masters thesis every year, but it is in psychology in general. I would know because I read about 500 articles and three books for my honors thesis under a professor from an Ivy League school. I was given the old school abusive treatment, I learned that research is an important skill but that I enjoy being a scholar in terms of learning material perfectly well instead of half-assing class and instead doing insane research.
But yeah, I am in bed conversing on this forum after watching a movie and then reading an article. I used to party and live like a dead man smoking camels drinking beer and cinnamon whiskey. I was also a bodybuilder which was a pain in the ass. Plenty of people will drink if you do too.
I loved my peaceful Friday night which cost no extra cost because I stayed home, cooked dinner, watched Netflix and read an article.
Today/tomorrow is the closest I get to a day off and it happens once every 3 weeks. It’s called a long swing: I got off at 3pm today and don’t go back until 11pm tomorrow. Going to hopefully take the family to dinner tonight and possibly go to my father’s tomorrow to visit/swim, but he can be flakey so idk.
Wow that is heavy going shift work. What do you do, if you don’t mind me asking?