My theory about shizophrenia ! Read and comment plss

Do you think that a core part of your shizophrenia is actually an
internal struggle between your negative thoughts/emotions and trying to
solve this problem with cognitive coping skills. By that way
unconsciously supress your negative thoughts/emotions, so your thought
process is mostly in solving the problem, which spurs stress and
dopamine/racing thoughts= brain excitability without a brake = active
REM-sleep but then fully awake, switched ‘‘on’’ to cope with the
percieved threat(reason to dream) causing a dream like state with
hallucinations percieved as real (like in real dream) with the logic
judgement impaired(still intact), which can cause ones own thought
process as non-disguinstable with the external world, coupled with low
self-esteem can give rise to grandious delusions as sort of a last coping
mechanisme, to deal with your fragile ego and your place in the world…

Atleast that is my vision from my own psychosis 5 years ago ( don’t have
shizophrenia). Was 1 month on anti-psychotics it calmed down the
positive symptoms a bit…but my feeling is that I really kicked down
the delusions/psychosis by realising that my delusions where caused by a
mental process of not accepting my social adversity, caused by social
phobia & generalized anxiety disorder. Coupled by lack of sleep,
cannabis and other stresses it intensified my willpower to think my way
out of it…with psychosis as result. So it boils down to wrong
cognitive coping mechanisme with genetic and enviromental causes.

There are also numbers that almost up to 50% of shizophrenics have
social anxiety disorder and the rate probably goes to 80-90% with other
secondary disorders (like bipolar) that pre-existed the shizophrenia.

Luckily im still fine without shizophrenia or psychosis 5 years after my
first psychosis, but I guess its partly me realising the above, so I
could break the cycle and catch myself beforehand if I could go off track.

My theory sees alot similarities with other disorders, makes me wonder
if they have not all a mental process in common. Like difficulty in
regulating emotions by using the wrong coping mechanisme, trying to beat
fire with fire with wrong cognitive thinking styles, which fuels and
excaberate the ‘‘disorder’’. That this is the root cause of mental
illness but it only manifest in different ways by genetics and
enviroment. (ever seen a manic non-human/animal bipolar ??
Thought/emotion/situation-reflection makes us human.)

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Do you think that a core part of your shizophrenia is actually an
internal struggle between your negative thoughts/emotions and trying to
solve this problem with cognitive coping skills.



Then what do you think causes an psychosis ? neurotransmitters randomly changing at will ?

I think excessive problem solving thinking, trauma, stress and drugs etc fuels dopamine the racing thoughts …till a point when the brain is exhausted and gets in a sort of wakefullness REM-state when its pretty difficult to distinguish your own thoughts with the external world. Coupled with your own internal demons ( bad thoughts) and you make your own reality. Also the hallucinations and hearing voices part are pretty equal to the dream state.

Beside that to futher explain my theory…how it comes that abused people have alot of similarities with people of shizophrenia and bipolar, anxiety disorders etc, also have alot of in common with shizophrenia brainwise and symptoms wise.

This is demonstrated not to be required for psychosis to occur.

I do believe that the notion of motivated delusion can be useful, though that concept is unpopular nowadays, for ethical reasons I suspect. Ah well, those are reasons too.

Then what do you think causes an psychosis ? neurotransmitters randomly changing at will ?



You’re describing other possible causes of psychosis, such as sleep-deprivation, but schizophrenia is also a possible cause on its own.

Schizophrenia is still being researched and is not yet fully understood, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist on its own.

When there are cases of people who haven’t been traumatized or sleep-deprived or drugged, and yet they are still experiencing psychosis, that implies that there is something else, in addition to such possible causes, that can cause psychosis.

For now that “something else” is given an umbrella label “schizophrenia” until researchers are able to break it down into specific causes beneath that umbrella, at which point I imagine there will be new labels, similar to how we already have different types of schizophrenia, like paranoid vs catatonic.

Some day I bet we will discover that there are multiple different causes and manifestations of paranoid schizophrenia that people didn’t know about before.

Meanwhile we know that in addition to schizophrenia, things like severe sleep-deprivation could also cause psychosis.


Logic judgement is pretty disorted atleast in the delusional part of shizophrenia. Beside that even without the delusional part its pretty clear that judgement is disorted in hallucination & auditory hallucinations or else people with shizophrenia would recognize that these perceptions are purely made by his own brain and not some external forces. Which is called lack of insight (the smarter people have more insight).

neurotransmitters dont randomly change at will without an external cause like enviroment or thoughts processes.

Also with my theory you can make connections to the neurotransmitters, which are effected by those.

Genetics plays are large part in shaping these cognitive skills as enviromental can trigger the downward path to actually manifest psychosis

Do you have schizophrenia and if so, are you on medication?

sleep deprevation can cause shizophrenic like symptoms and it could also be that shizophrenia disrupts the sleep patterns which fuels the disease even more.

My point is that they are all the same disease…they just manifest them differently.

Core cause: regulating emotions wrongly with cognitive problem solving. but how can emotions and thinking style cause so much upset ? Leaping holes one emotion creates another…like: shame about something, which causes shame about shame …which causes shame to other areas etc till there is no stop= psychosis

I don’t have shizophrenia…I had a psychosis 5 years ago …I don’t use medication and I solved my social anxiety disorder and generalized anxiety disorder. Im fully functional and studying psychology/neuroscience on university.


I think that the symptoms of schizophrenia can be found in part in many disorders --I dont think schizophrenia exists as a separate disorder it is just a catch all phrase for a bunch of symptoms.
that is why medications work on some and not all.
Anxiety, depression, bipolar thyroid imbalance B12 deficiency, Epilepsy all can cause some of the symptoms.

They’re not all the same, and they’re not all even a disease. LSD isn’t a disease, but it can cause psychosis.

Basically your theory on schizophrenia is trying to say in a round-about way that schizophrenia doesn’t exist, that when people think they have schizophrenia, they really just have trauma, drugs, sleep-deprivation, etc, but this is not true, as there have been cases of people with no trauma, drugs or sleep-deprivation who still experienced psychosis.

I don’t get the impression that you’re doing it on purpose, but you are kind of trying to make the case that mental illness isn’t real and that’s not right.


Im fully functional and studying psychology/neuroscience on university.

OK, the reason people study psychiatry though, which is obviously different to what you’re doing, is to treat diseases like schizophrenia.

Do you have grandiose delusions that you can treat schizophrenia without medication?

For me it was social adversity, anxiety problems and hostile enviroment. For other people it may B12 or another medical disease etc. still there is high correlation with genetics…not everyone get into a psychosis because of cannabis lack of sleep, stress and b12 deficieny…

My guess is that most if not all shizophrenics use a wrong (or atleast not helpfull) congnitive problem solving technique …which focus down on that problem…can’t solve it…higher dopamine and excitability brain …which even focus more in that problem.

The negative symptoms are sometimes pretty similar to PTSD or depression etc… why ? because of negative thougts and emotions…but with a important part of supressing it ( also by controlling down facial expression ) to control this negative emotion or even happy emotion. Emotion = enenemy ,so they use cognitive thinking to control this.

Nah I don’t I can only tell you what helped me and that is realising that my grandiose delusions were actually caused by other problems and the grandiosity was actually a manifestion of my underlying low-self esteem (social anxierty disorder) and just negative beliefs about my self and future. those delusions of grandiose were telling me actually the opposite of what I was feeling inside…but I supressed that and made grandiose delusions about me saving the world from World war 3 and I was pretty manic in that state without much social anxiety …as I told my self how great I was and on a special mission.

Beforehand the solving and excitability of my brain made it even more difficult to say to my self: stop.
All the relevant information that proved otherwise I ignored, maybe simply because I felt good and didnt want unconsciously back to my old depressed anxious worhtless self or atleast that was what I was trying to run away from. I only realised that slowly at the end of my psychosis.

OK, well glad you survived your psychosis.

You don’t say much on the nature of these “negative thoughts/emotions”. It’s a pretty broad category. Some negative emotions can be intense and terrifying, like having a home invasion, or they can less intense, like being angry when you’re young and your parents won’t let you go to a party. There is a broad spectrum of negative thoughts/emotions. I’ve heard of one theory of schizophrenia that says it is caused by subtexts within communications between a dependent and a neurotic adult, but it has lost favor by this time and date. You don’t say how pervasive this negativity has to be to cause this pathological cognition. You might try to describe that.

I hope my story will help you to. The story is that im very lucky as I know I have the shizophrenic genes.

This story is more of encouragement that help is within your reach, you only need to find it !

1e. Insight why you became shizophrenic 2. acceptance of those problems 3. Try to stop thinking about problems or even delusional sphere…what has it helped you ? ZERO…accept those thoughts and try to use relevant information that proves otherwise or atleast say to your self: for now its useless. I can think about it 11PM ( so you not supressing it but only change the time when to think about it)

You slowly realize that those delusions are lies, even if they make you feel good, they won’t help to reach those goals.

Anytime you are dealing with something as complicated as the brain you get into a myriad of chicken and egg problems.

The act of cognition changes your brain wiring and chemistry. And changes in brain wiring or chemistry changes your cognition and on and on and on. So what causes what is anyone’s guess.

Many scientists think our brains are so complicated that our brains aren’t capable of understanding themselves.

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