My stepdad had a heart attack last night

Hey everyone. Sorry I haven’t been here much. Just taking a break.

Anyway, my stepdad had surgery last night and is having more procedures today. He had an artery that was 99.8% blocked.

He hasn’t been feeling well for a while and his dr kept telling him he was the healthiest 79 year old he’s ever treated. My stepdad didn’t need a single prescription drug for anything at all his whole life. Well, the drs in the hospital say he should have been treated by a cardiologist at least a year ago.

I hope he’s ok.


oh no…how terrible…sending you good thoughts.

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I’m glad he’s being seen to, I have a friend who had a stroke recently at 56 and he had surgery, he seems to be fine now. :slight_smile:

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Thanks @jukebox @daydreamer

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I’m sorry to hear of this @LilyoftheValley
I’m sure he’ll be ok

I hope I don’t have a blocked artery, but I do know that I have atherosclerosis in my aorta.

Going to see a cardiologist in 2 weeks


Best of luck to you and your stepdad

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Thanks @Wave , @dougRN .


I hope he feels better soon. That really sucks that his doctor was brushing off his complaints of not feeling well. Hopefully, he’s taken seriously now! But I hope there aren’t anymore big scares now.

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I agree @Blossom. Thanks.

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Good wishes to you both.:pray:t4::two_hearts:

Was wondering where you were….

Hope you are well and happy.
Still going to the gym …


Thanks @SacredNeigh7. I am getting over Covid and haven’t been to the gym in a couple weeks. I hope to start back up next week. How are you? What’s going on in your life lately?

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I’ve been doing well as a single woman.:open_mouth::slightly_smiling_face::crazy_face::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


My x boyfriend messaged me that he will come and visit as a friend this or next weekend.

I said if he stays the night he will have to sleep in separate room and bed.
Because I love him so much i don’t want to be tempted to get physical with him.

He found his work mate dead from a heart attack so he is traumatised from that.

I told him we can be friends but not girlfriend n boyfriend because I can’t deal with the disrespect ghosting and standing me up.

I have started doing yoga once a week and hope to keep it up.

Sitting in bed half day and couch other half of day bug exercises most days as soon as I wake up.

Good you’re back at it with the gym.
Your so good to go to the gym.


@SacredNeigh7, I’m sorry for him about the death. That’s truly awful.

I really hope you stick to your guns while he’s there and you don’t let him have his way. It’s too hard and feels too bad to have someone treat you like he has before. Good luck this weekend. Stay strong!!!


Thank you @LilyoftheValley .:pray:t4::two_hearts::slightly_smiling_face:


Sorry about your step dad @LilyoftheValley .

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Thanks @Bowens 1515

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Best wishes, I hope he gets better and can maybe alter his diet if the doctor says it’s best.

Those of us with surviving parents need to do our best to take care of them!

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Thanks. Believe it or not, he already eats a very healthy, low cholesterol diet. He’s very into health and is very active with tons of exercise even though he’s older (79). Regardless, I agree with you. And thanks!

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