My sisters and I saw "Mary Poppins" last week

It was when the original kids were grown up and had kids of their own. It was good to get out and I tried to stay interested but half-way through I got up to use the restroom and half-way back to my seat I thought, "What the hell am I here at “Mary Poppins”? It was not my type of movie at all. It wasn’t anywhere near as good as the original when I saw it when I was 7 or 8. It had none of the original songs. The best part was Dick Van ■■■■ having a small part in it.

But yeah, no “Supercallafr…”…No “Chim Chiminiy”… What a dud.


I hate it when Hollywood tries to cash in on our childhoods.

Its rare that a reboot or sequel compares to the original,

They know that,

Its all about money.


I must say it doesnt seem like something you would be caught dead seeing. But what do I know.

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I couldn’t agree more.

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Yes, I would rather be dead then see another movie like that again. I shouldn’t have gone. Death would be funner than seeing another movie like that.

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I love Dick Van ■■■■! I grew up watching his show and still watch it occasionally. I didn’t see the new Mary Poppins, but I heard about his dancing! Apparently the man’s still got it! Did you see that scene, with him dancing on a desk, at 93 years old?

Edit: I guess we can’t say Van ■■■■.

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No, I didn’t see that; it was really dark in the theater and I don’t remember most of the movie.

I remember my diet cherry vanilla Coke though; it was only a dollar and I put too much ice. And the restrooms were clean but they were low on paper towels. The concession girl had a little rip at the bottom of her shirt and she was missing a tooth.

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@77nick77 Would my toddlers like it?

Yeah, they might. There was dancing and singing and humor. It wasn’t terrible, it just wasn’t my cup of tea.

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Ok thanks. My kids haven’t been to the theater yet, and I didn’t know if this would be over their heads.

Well actually, there was adult themes that might be over the heads of very young kids. I don’t mean sex or violence or anything dark or heavy. But even the “bad” guys in the movie were kind of comical.

Oh okay. I’m sorry you didn’t enjoy it. I think we’ll wait for it to be out the theater.

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I used to have a thing for Julie Andrews and she could pop my cork anytime. I had a thing for squeaky clean virtuous women, there’s something strangely attractive about them.

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