My primary dr’s response to

My extremely fast weight gain by saying I need to weigh the pros and cons of the medicine before going off it. She’s crazy! There’s no way I’m staying on Zyprexa after gaining 14.5 pounds in 2.5 weeks!


The weight gain will stop eventually, and what has been gained has been gained.
You should give it a chance.

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Well hell most aps do make you gain weight. It’s hard to change duet etc…I think your pdoc is an ■■■■■■■.

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You know how much I love Zyprexa, but I would never tell you to stay on it after that huge weight gain so fast. It obviously doesn’t agree with you.

I just hope you find your miracle med, you deserve it!


I don’t understand @CoCo, your primary doctor prescribed you the Zyprexa?

Don’t you have a psychiatrist?

@Wave Yes. I see my psychiatrist tomorrow. I called my primary dr so she could put in my chart how much I gained after starting Zyprexa. I just wanted it noted with my primary too


So glad your appointment is tomorrow! You definitely need to get off the Zyprexa.


you probably need to get off it, the weight gain usually consistently goes up for at least a few months at the same rate if u continue, imo not worth it 14 pounds in 2.5 weeks after three months thats like 70 pounds


A lot of these primary doctors don’t have a clue about these psych meds.
Glad you are seeing your pdoc tomorrow.


I gained a lot of weight on Zyprexa. It’s best to go off of it before you gain any more @CoCo.


Yeah. I’m already obese. The last thing I need is more writing me.

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I hear you. I was already obese when I gained 40 pounds on Geodon, and the 60 pounds on Abilify were that much more unwelcome!


Seroquel did that to me, and they finally took me off of it AFTER I had gained 150 pounds. I’m 5 10 and weighed almost 300 pounds. I get that you hate the weight gain. I understand.

I know I would be scared, angry, pessimistic, and unsure of myself if this happened to me, again. I’ll support you in whatever you decide to do. :grimacing:


Thanks @anon39736208 and @JustTrish. I’m definitely going to at least request switching. We’ll see what my pdoc says tomorrow

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Please keep me updated. I know what it was like for me. If it’s similar to how you’re feeling, I’m so sorry. Sending you air hugs, in case real hugs offend you.

You can do this!


Lol. Thanks. And hugs don’t offend me. Although I’m not quick to hug men.


I’m not a man lol

I’m a whoa man lol

Woman :hugs:


What an unexpected response! But glad you went and had it documented. Great you see your psychiatrist tomorrow! I’ve been counting down the days with you!

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Lol!!! Very funny @JustTrish!

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Thanks @FlyingPurplePeopleMeeter :slight_smile:

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