My poor dog

My poor dog is shivering. I wrapped him in a warm blanket and I’m holding him in my lap and arms but he’s still shivering. I wonder why. ???

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Please take him to the vet.

Ok. Ill have to see if they’re open.

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This could mean that he is in some sort of pain.
Yeah contact the Vet.

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I hope he’ll get better soon. :cry:

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Awww poor doggie :dog:

hope hes better soon :slight_smile:

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Thanks @zeno @Jonnybegood


Oh no. I feel bad for furbabies in pain. Please get him checked out. What kind of doggie is it?

@ThePickinSkunk he’s a Lhasa Also/ Shin Tsu mix

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My sister has a Shitzu. Lovely dog. Those Alpsos are cute.

I have 2 of them - same mix. They are both really sweet. One likes to cuddle all the time and the other likes to be nearby.

How is your dog doing now?
Is he still shaking @LilyoftheValley?

He’s about 7 or 8. He’s a rescue. He stopped shivering but I’ll talk to the vet Monday.

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Could be a fever or some unknown pain. Best to see a vet. I hope it’s nothing serious! Get well soon puppy!!

Pics of your pups if possible. I’m a sucker for pet pictures.

They’re both recently shaved so you can’t see their long coats.


I’m guessing the one on the left is the lap pup. He looks like a lap pup. But what cuties!

I’m feeding this pitiful little female cat. When you pet her you feel her bones. I think she has worms. This young woman gave me some treatment for round worms. I hope that’s what she has. A female cat has to weigh at least two pounds before they are able to spay her, and I doubt if she weighs that much. She’s in such bad health that I don’t think she can get pregnant.

Oh how cute! … So adorable!


Actually it’s the one on the right who is always in my lap :slight_smile:

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