My painting


It’s very good !

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Thankyou for sharing your beautiful art work.

I like the colour of that dress, I have one just that colour.

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Thank you I love your painting too. It looks very beautiful. :slight_smile:


Thanks. I try very hard with it lol.

I might do another painting today.

It can be extremely therapeutic especially when the painting goes well :slight_smile: for me.

Welcome to the forum :+1:


Very well done!

Your painting looks rrally great. I am not at all an artist even can’t draw very well but paint to relax myself. I love painting but I do simple ones you can see below a few others I did in a psychiatric hospital recently they only had markers to paint when I was experiencing an episode but I was painting more freely and rapidly… I love to see your paintings too.
Good news is I have now recovered and got back to life once again :slight_smile:

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I’m glad to hear that you’re doing better.

And I do like your free style of drawing it’s really cool. If it is relaxing you that’s what matters really so I’m super happy for you.

Yea I love art aswell it’s just nice to have something to do with free time isn’t it :slight_smile:

Somethings to stimulate those brains of ours lol

Well I wanted to do arts but then changed my decision and did math but arts stayed my hobby, I know basics but never really drew that much never had patience, on medications since 23 and now I am 39! First was on haloperidol and then abilify pills for 10 yrs, at the end I stopped medications because I was not aware of my sickness since it happened many yrs ago and I started to hear voices…previously medications had side effects like dizziness and drowsiness and I struggled a lot in life… This time looks like I am only having insomnia, i have gained 10 kilos too but not sure which of the meds they gave me before in stupid hospitals has done that!

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