I lost control and applied for any credit card i could get . I maxed all of them out. There are 7. And then got a loan. My finacial state is in ruins. I’m sure I’ll have to declare bankruptcy. My brother is going to be my power of attorney. I’m so thankful for that.
I am rubbish with money too. I run up about £7.000 in debt on store credit and credit cards, mostly on junk. I have a something similar to a Power of Attorney called a Appointeeship. The county social services department looks after my benefits. They are paid to them and they pay all my bills and give me a weekly allowance. Although I was very unhappy about it when it was set up I now think its a great thing. I have paid my debts off and managed to save some money. I have learned to budget my weekly allowance better and if I ever need anything I just email the person who manages my money. If he thinks I am manic or not thinking wisely he will ask my supported living manager if I can have it. Its saved me alot of money over the last 2 years.
My country has a registry for people who are bad at paying their bills, and once you’re in that registry for an unpaid bill, you’re there for 5 years or until the bill is paid. While you’re in there, you can’t take out loans or order internet or phone cards that require monthly payments.
It’s saved me from a lot of grief, I don’t know how many times I’ve sat on google, trying to find some bank to loan me money out of desperation, but I’m glad I always got denied.
Otherwise I’d probably be swimming in even more debt now.
That’s an awesome law
I’ve been working on raising my credit score, just making small purchases with one credit card that’s linked to my account, and paying it all off in the month. I’ve been getting lax tho, I can imagine it’d be too easy to slip down that slope if I got into more credit cards. I’m sorry you’re having trouble. I hope you’re able to find a solution to your money issues.
I have bad credit. I want to build it up but no credit card will accept me. Here you have to wait ages for your credit to build back up again.
dang, that sucks. are you manic? that type of spending is abnormal.
I was manic but I’m trying to pick up the pieces
I have slowly learned how to manage my own money appropriately.
The answer for me was life experiences.
Once you do something you regret, you will try harder not to do it again the next time.
And so on…
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