My mom's doing it again

She’s looking into natural vitamins to help me get better more. She said it’s urgent I lose this Schizophrenia at all costs. She forcing me now to try and take these psudo pills to get better. Why can’t she see this condition is not curable only treatable? She wants my sz to go away completely even if involves incantations and which craft. We’re of Jewish Hispanic background so being crazy is look down upon. What can I do to let her know this is as good as I’m going to get. My dad has accepted this is how I’ll be on my meds. I do have some relief on my meds, but it’s not perfect. What do I do? This is stressing me out.


Can your psychiatrist or therapist talk to her about it?
Maybe you can make an appointment for her?


My dad hated that I took meds; he didn’t think I should need them. I took them anyway.

I’m sorry you’re going through this. Could your dad get through to your mom?


My mom is just stubborn. She’ll believe anything you tell her.

How old is she, if you don’t mind me asking.

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She just turned 50. But she’s always been this way.

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Yeah that’s pretty young.
Older people like my dad can definitely be stubborn.

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I would talk to your dad about it then.


She just now told me she wants me to get better for her cause I’m causing her stress


The pills are meant for cholesterol

I don’t understand

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She suggested I get off my Seroquel. So I have flare ups here and there, which I have no idea I’ve said. Now she thinks going natural will help. I don’t get it either. She keeps paying Wich doctors to put spells on me to be rid of sz forever, so she doesn’t have to deal with me anymore.

Like I said before, talk to your dad about your situation with your mom.


I will. I hope he can get her to stop all this.

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Tell her the facts and maybe back it up with articles and information from a reputable website. Maybe if you both sit down and read an article together which clearly and simply explains the facts of schizophrenia it might sway her. Maybe seeing what you want her to know in black & white will get through to her. Maybe say words to the effect that you have a legitimate disease which millions of people have too and that this disease is usually life long and treated in a specific way which is medication. Tell her there’s no magic involved, it is a treatable disease but usually only by prescribed medication. And add that if you go off your meds it’s dangerous and could make your disease worse.

Your mom probably is a good person and has your best interest at heart and she’s only trying to help but she doesn’t understand. Lots of other people don’t understand so they need to be taught.


I don’t mean to turn this into a religious discussion, but perhaps your local Rabbi can somewhat console her.

I do find this very interesting though, as I always thought the Torah is pretty strict in it’s stance on witchcraft.

Okay, religious observation done.

Hmmm. Does she think that schizophrenia is strictly a spiritual problem? Or does she perhaps know there’s a lot of brain chemistry that is happening here.

Sorry. I wish I could help more.

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Thanks 77nick77. Good idea

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Yes she thinks it’s a spiritual problem. Also she’s not aware off all the science behind mental illnesses. She sees me have one episode and she thinks it’s the end of the world.

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I see. And I meant to add in my other comment, that I meant in no way to pass judgement on your mother.

I really recommend the book, “Surviving Schizophrenia.” It can get a little dry in some areas, in regards to the science behind the brain.

Also what @77nick77 recommended sounds like great ideas, in regards to showing her some scientific websites.

There’s a plethora of good research and info out there. So you might not even need the book I recommended.

I just want to say I’m sorry you’re going through all of this. I’ve been down a similar path before (with consulting holistic healing and all that).

:hugs: - Monte

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Thank you @Montezuma

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