My mom gave me her old engagement ring! I love it fits! Unfortunately the engagement ring my fiance got me slides off my finger very easily… I guess I’ll have to wrap the back of it in yarn
That’s pretty cool.
Yeah thats so nice
I think a jewelry is able to tighten the ring.
Yes, you can get a jeweler to tighten the loose ring.
I’m so excited for you. When will the wedding be?
@everhopeful thank you! It’s 1/3 a carat diamond and so pretty!
@Wave I know right! She’s the best
@anon53623539 @PinCushion I’m not so sure if it can be… it’s sterling silver and mom says a lot of jewelrs can’t but I did put yarn on the back to tighten it on my right hand
@PinCushion sometime in spring 2022 I think
That is simply beautiful to have an heirloom like that, and congratulations!!
@Longamor thank you! I plan to give my daughter the set when she gets engaged
Edit: if that ever happens
@Longamor I would happily have a child I raise with my fiance but we both have so many things wrong with us… from sz to migraines and nerve damage… I fear he will regret not having children
I am in a similar situation, both my husband and I have mental issues however we plan to have children even so. I have had times of worry however I feel better about it now that I changed up my diet and am exercising more. I think that we have a lot to teach them like perseverance, how to think positively despite difficulties, how to be kind to others who struggle in life, etc. There are a lot of unique lessons to be learned from any type of struggle. My husband and I are both caring people who just have difficulty with stress. I trust that like all parents, we will learn along the way, even if our learning curve is steeper. I know you and your fiance will have your own path in life. I wish you both the best! Marriage only gets better with time in my experience. Whatever you choose, I hope the decision brings you closer.
@Longamor thank you, that made me feel a lot better. I think that at least we need to get our migraines under control. I have changed my diet lifestyle in a mager way when I found out I have a gluten sensitivity and can’t eat any of it and I’ve started a intermediate fasting lifestyle
I used to have migraines a lot! They can be really debilitating. I hope you are able to find something that works for them- they went away for me on their own. I have gluten intolerance in my family too, my mom manages really well despite it. Good for you for making positive changes in your life. I think it’s choices like that, that children will learn from.
@Longamor thank you for your kind words. Today is a little hard… I’m kinda hungry but I am still hanging in there
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