My little kitty is starting to eat a bit better

She seems to be in better spirits and having more playful streaks and eating a bit more. When I got her from the Humane Society the told me she wouldn’t eat wet food and she didn’t eat much dry. She’s very thin. I personally think she wasn’t all that happy.

I’m finding her to be adventurous with cat food but she does prefer the dry food except the gravy of the wet food. If you let her she’ll lick the gravy all day. She needs to gain weight so I went down and bought one each of every food in gravy at the grocery store. We’ve been trying each one. She’s getting to the point where she’s actually eating some of the food on some of them.

I found a weight gaining supplement online I can get if the wet food doesn’t work.


You’re a good mommy to your new fur baby. No animal is happy at the humane society. It’s a high stress situation for them. When cats are stressed they often don’t eat. But don’t worry. As long as she’s with someone like you she’ll get comfortable quickly.


Thank you for saying that. You should see her this morning. She’s acting like a kitten. She’s full of energy, playing, attacking everything, even my bonsai tree got attacked out of the blue. She’s like a way different cat that the shy, docile, meek little thing that I brought home a few days ago. She’s happy.


Yay! I knew she’d be happy with you!


I put on meditation music, she likes that, now she’s curling up on my fuzzy blankie for a nap.


Awe, how precious


I think the extra calories today really put some extra spunk in her. She’s really interactive and playful today. The other days she really slept a lot.

I had a long sheet of packaging paper that came out of one of my deliveries laying by the garbage can and she has decided that it is the best toy ever she keeps running and jumping in the middle of it and going sliding all around and pouncing and batting and hiding. She loves it. So I cleaned everything else up and left that for her.

Oh now she has Lamby. She’s carrying around one of my stuffed animals. lmao. How adorable.

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I like Kit Kat.


Yaaay I’m so happy for you :heart:

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Yay! I was going to get a possum but the Humane Society was out of them. lol

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If they let me adopt a possum I think I would die from my heart melting


Hi @Leaf
I’m glad your kitten is eating and settling in nicely.
Give it some more time.
Everything will be fine.


Your kitty will be a lovebug. If she’s settling in then she trusts you which is good to see.

Let us know how Sweetie has been doing from time to time.



Sounds like your doing all the right things @Leaf . Glad little Sweetie is settling in. I’m so jealous!


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