My ideal weight

My wrist is 7" so I have a medium frame for a guy 5ā€™ 5" or over. My ideal weight is supposed to be 157-170 lbs. I asked the Google Assistant. I need to lose 85.1-98.2 lbs. Since I was an adult, I have never weighed less than 180.

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Using the body fat calculator on My lean weight is 162.3, and my body fat is 92.9. So I think I will diet to 165 lbs.

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Iā€™m 5ā€™9" and weigh 240. I have a huge gut, and all my body fat is concentrated right where it puts the most strain on my back.

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Iā€™m trying burpees. Want to join the club?


my goal weight is 110-120lbs


Iā€™m 4ā€™11" and my ideal weight according to BMI is unrealistic for me because Iā€™m very muscular. I look healthiest around 135-150. Need to lose about 75 lbs. Iā€™m working on it and hope to lose it this year.

I lost 80 lbs in 2019, so Iā€™m hoping to do that again this year.


Thanks @Crystal-Cotton @LED @crimby @ciaociao1 . I never heard of burpees.

My weight is 156.4 lbs. My BMI is 23.4 putting me in the normal weight category. My weight is now exactly where I want it to be.

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Yes! I do Burpees sometimes.

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