I'm losing weight

I’m losing weight, because my behavioral therapist makes me walk 2 times a day.


That’s cool. How much weight do you want/need to lose?

I don’t know. I’m guessing around 28 pounds, that I need and want to lose.

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Well there is a thing called the Body Mass Index or BMI. It’s not a definitive thing, but many people use it to judge their weight, or what they should weigh. Visit the following website and type in your height and weight. Ideally you should have a BMI between 18.5–24.9

But don’t take it too seriously, just use it to give you a rough idea on how you are doing. For example my BMI is 26 but my doctor said for my height and build I am fine now, but I use to be really fat and unhealthy and had a BMI of 36.5, that is way too high for a regular person.


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I’m a little above 6’2 and I weighed myself yesterday and I weighed 209 pounds.

okay, so according to that website you have a BMI of 26.8, that is a little higher than me and technically slightly overweight but you don’t really have anything to worry about. Your health depends on more than just your height and weight. For example a body builder is healthy but will have a high BMI because of all the extra weight from his muscles.

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I’m happy for you :slight_smile: walking can be really peaceful, especially on nature trails


In case your curious, your ideal weight according to the BMI is at least no more than 194 lbs.

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I lost10 lbs in a week just haven’t been having an appetite I’m too paranoid to eat

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