Anybody have tips on peeling boiled eggs?
I put them in cold water right after boiling them. Its easier to peel after. I think its because rapid change of temperature creates water betweed the egg and its shell.
I just hit them on something, then press all around making the shell crack. Usually don’t have a problem getting it to come off easily.
I always do an ice bath afterwards… I think I didn’t boil them long enough this time… oops
Is it cold or hot water?
Cold water after boiling.
Start peeling from the bottom of the egg there’s normally an empty space there and gives a good starting point
Oh thanks for the tip! I’ll have to try that next time @Noise
Yeah, if you cook them right, they should peel fairly easily.
Find a good recipe that takes you step-by-step on how to cook them. Most methods are roughly the same: Boil water, cook them, let them sit for a specified time and peeling them under running, cold water.
If it keeps you satisfied then good!
I LOVE simple food.
And eggs are so nice
Except I’m a vegan lol. So don’t agree with eggs anymore
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