My grandma is dying

She is in an assisted living facility. She’s 91 years old and has been legally blind for about 12 years or so. She can barely see blobs of color, that’s it.

She has been quickly deteriorating, mentally and physically, for the last few months. Her memory has been almost non-existent, recently.

I’ve been here, at the assisted living facility, for a few hours. She is bedridden. Mostly unconscious. Can’t speak. But she’s in a lot of pain, shown by her body moments. They’ve been giving her morphine, lorazepam, and haldol, to relax her and to help ease the pain.

IDK how long she has. Probably not long. Maybe a few more hours.

Hubby was here for a couple of hours, but he had to go into the office. If Grandma seems worse at any point, I will call him and let him know, so that hopefully he can come back. It’s an hour drive, though, between his work and the assisted living facility.


My deepest condolences for you.


That’s really tuff, and sad. Hope things go well stay positive

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I feel you :frowning: This is so sad…
Try to be as strong as possible.

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I’m sorry @Blossom
God bless

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Sorry to hear that.

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My condolences. It’s part of life but hard to let go of a grandparent.

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really sorry to hear that… i hope she makes a full and speedy recovery <3

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Sorry @Blossom , sending waves of comfort.

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Sorry to hear about your Grandma

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I’m sorry @Blossom .

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Sorry to hear that. Wishing you the best in this situation.

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I’m sorry @Blossom.

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My heartfelt condolences. Hope you find peace.

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My thoughts are with you as you prepare for her passing. I hope you find comfort and peace as you grieve.

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I’m so sorry @Blossom

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So sorry to hear your grandma is not doing well, @blossom. Keeping you all in my thoughts :purple_heart:

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Thank you so much. :purple_heart: She passed away, early this morning. She was surrounded by loved ones.

@DragonStorm @anon5280029 @anon8411913 @Wave @everhopeful @Jonathan2 @POET @Sherlock @Rainstorm @Bowens


Thank you so much. :purple_heart: She passed away, early this morning. She was surrounded by loved ones.

@anon19606225 @HollyHobby @Melomaniac @anon55031185 @Moonbeam @Schztuna


That’s very sad news blossom.

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