Of old age. She was 94.
I’m sorry @Loke . Were you close?
Yes. My grandmother when I was younger helped me with a lot of things. She was the one who taught me how to balance a checkbook
Sorry to hear that but 94 is a hell of a long life but I know that doesn’t make it any better
Condolences, @Loke.
I’m so sorry for your loss.
I’m sorry @Loke
I’m so sorry. Hugs!
I’m sorry for your loss @Loke . I hope you will think of all the love and good times to help you through this difficult time to help you get through the greiving.
I’m sorry for your loss.
Sorry @Loke . …
Sorry for your loss, may she rest in paradise @Loke
Honestly I don’t think she’s resting. I think she’s having a chat with my momma.
I just think of that woman who was so good at loving people especially her family
I’m sorry to hear that Loke.
Sounds like you have some pretty fond memories of her.
My condolences @Loke
She lived a long life, can’t ask for much more than that.
I know how it is though, I’ve lost both my grandmothers (I never knew my grandfathers).
Sorry for your loss
I will also lose my grandmother in the next few years.
She’s 87 and very frail now
The head of any family is missed greatly
That is too bad. Sorry for your loss.
My condolences @loke. Nevertheless, I would sign for becoming 94. Very blessed age.
I’m sorry @Loke
God bless
So sorry for your loss, @Loke . My condolences.