I think my psychosis is going away

For the first time in 8 years, I feel like my delusions or unusual beliefs are going away or are at least in the background. I had one psychiatrist say I had bizarre delusions and another one say unshakable, unprovable beliefs.

I’m on 6 mg of vraylar at night and 90 mg of cymbalta and 60 mg of buspar and I take supplements.

I still talk about my beliefs but they feel less real. They are in the background. My head and mind are clearer. I really don’t suffer. I’m at peace. I think doing math clears my head and makes me more logical. I noticed this effect years ago while doing sudoku.

I haven’t given up on school and a career. I need to work on hygiene and cutting costs and learning how to cook. I do have cognitive impairments but I’m still above average in certain areas in my life. I lost a lot of intellect but I think I gained some back in peculiar ways. I’m doing great in my online calculus class scoring 80-100% on assignments.

Reality or the external world seems real. I rarely obsess about my thoughts anymore.


Keep up the good work. :nerd_face:


Even though you are feeling better, don’t quit your meds without talking to your doctor :blowfish::blowfish::blowfish:


This is GREAT news @insidemind! SO happy for you! You’ve worked hard! Keep at it! The fight is worth it!

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Goid news. Happy to hear it !

I don’t plan on quitting. I have reduced motivation but everything else is great. I actually look forward and enjoy taking my Vraylar every night. It makes me feel good.


Congratulations! May you find comfort in work.

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This is fantastic news! I’m so happy for you!! :hugs:

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This is great! Dude keep doing great in math and you might be like the next john nash


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