My dog escaped

My dog was out in the backyard which has a door connected to the garage. My dad asked me if she was out and I said “yes”. Apparently he misunderstood me because he opened the main car door and she escaped. I Had to chase her for 2 blocks. Finally caught her when she fenced herself in on someones porch. I’m too fat and out of shape to be chasing dogs. I think I’ll go have a heart attack now.


Ouch, is that the dog in your avatar?

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Yes, that’s her. She was a puppy when I took that pic though. She is older and fatter now.


I’ve had my dogs escape, I was surprised at how far they wandered when I found them.

Unfortunately one dog escaped and ran across the road just as a car was heading down the road, dog ran right into the front wheel and was killed.


That’s what I was afraid was going to happen. Sorry it happened to yours.

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I’ve chased dogs before it’s never fun. Kinda scary for them getting hit if there’s a lot of traffic. My dog thankfully doesn’t escape unless she sees another dog or person at that moment, she’s aggressive to stranger danger and will go after them. So many people neighborhood have dogs off leashes which is a problem for me dog. I usually just pick her up at that point since she weighs 9 lbs.


That makes things easier. Mine weighs close to 50 lbs now. Pain in the ass to carry.


Chasing a dog got nothing on trying to catch a rabbit that needs it’s nails clipped


I’m glad you caught your dog!
I’ve chased my dogs before.
No fun!

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Thanks @Vertigo . You are right no fun.

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I’m glad you got your baby back and nothing bad happened. Hopefully your dad is more careful going forward.

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Thanks @Leaf 15

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you’re welcome. I remember one time when my daughter was a baby, my little hobo dog got out and got hit by a car. He was really shook up but luckily just bumps and bruises, nothing broken. Scared the crap out of us. Then the darndest thing happened a week or so later. The man that hit him came to our house stating that his wife had to go to the doctor because she was so upset that they hit the dog and she was pregnant and it traumatized her and he was wanting money compensation. I said I was poor and was on welfare and could give him no money. I couldn’t believe that guy. He hit my dog and wanted me to pay him.


The nerve of some people. Crazy to think they wanted money for hitting your dog. Greedy ■■■■■■■■.

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I’m happy your dog is okay! I would’ve felt like having a heart attack too Haha!

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Thanks @Montezuma ! I think the heart attack was from all the running

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Whenever my dog escapes, I just play the sound of a firework very loudly outside. He hears it and comes running back.

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