So maybe the 2nd time I talked to her, she told me her dad had been in the CIA and was part of Air Amerika in Vietnam. Wouldn’t that be something not to mention?
So as the world turns and paranoia had been drinking Red Bull, it was bothersome.
I had been hiding in the electrical room, maintenance shop, anywhere to avoid people last month and January
Walking outside the hotel to get to stairwell, a gentleman stops me and asks if he can get to the beach from our property, we talk and I can’t escape
He told me he served in Vietnam with Air Amerika and the Phoenix project, he was born in Michigan and so was I, he grew up in Kentucky as did I for a time, he was in the army and airborne as was I, he had a cane and I jokingly asked if he had a sword in there and he pulls out this long dagger but also explained it was where he hid his cigars…
This encounter rattled me so much that I had to call my wife to come to the hotel because it was so upsetting
Now I think he may have been an angel because he made this comment,
It’s always good to meet a brother isn’t it?
There were too many coincidences, too many things lined up and the train of thoughts moves quickly
As for the counselor, her dad is dead, but I not sure what game she is playing, it’s not chess, she’s nice enough but maybe she learned that trick from her dad
I met the head of the CIA once while in a state hospital in Kentucky, he was old and had white hair and a beard, nice guy