It upset me for him but these things no longer offend me, for me. It’s weird. I kinda know I’m crazy. My partner tells me I’m crazy but in a joky non offensive way. My colleague probably didn’t know about my mental health. The manager who is her friend probs told her cos now she don’t talk to me the same.
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yeah ive heard one of my roommates say something like that talking about one of his co-workers or boss i think it was. he was like ‘‘I think hes crazy, like actually crazy like he has a mental illness im pretty sure’’.
Meanwhile he has no idea about me…
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Every now and then someone new down the cricket club will say something that is off. Like he’s schizophrenic or something. I’m so used to it that sometimes I’ll say something. Sometimes I won’t. For some people it’s just not worthwhile wasting your energy on and it’s funny how most peoples ideas are so off the mark when it comes to the reality of mental health!
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