My brothers say I am a looser bcz I am on this forum

One is 28, the other is 24, I am the oldest 30 and they tell me I am a bad example of the oldest brother.

Your brothers sound like they don’t have their own opinions, but get them fed from magazines and media.

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I can likely attest to being successful but I don’t enjoy it. Try to keep communication open though we are going through a hard time.


I would probably just assume you brother was teasing and shake it off. I saw a funny tweet weeks ago-- “Remember when doing stuff online was for losers?” (I’m paraphrasing, obviously it was a joke about covid19. Just think, people who always hung out online are having their moment now! It’s our time to shine! Plus I’ve made tons of friends online my entire life and many of them converted into IRL friends. So it’s not a waste of time.

Finally I’ll be the first to say that I’m a loser and I really don’t care if anyone knows it.

I also call myself a loser but my family constantly blames me for it. They say I decided to become a loser but its my SZ that made me a loser. They don’t understand me. They always say I blame everything on SZ.

@Aziz I think you just need the right kind of encouragement. You may have sz but you can still do small things for yourself and cross them off your to do list. You can still self improve. If all you can do is take a shower every day, cross that off your list and consider yourself proud that you did that much. I know how hard it is. I go through different phases of activity. It’s difficult for me to take care of myself much less stay focused. If you want to talk about it or have an accountability partner or hear more about what works for me, send me a private message. Don’t listen to negative people like your family, that’s for starters (easier said than done).

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I think my dad is a narcissist to say the least. He won’t let me come over to his house and is sometimes emotionally abusive to me still. He has anger issues and is an energy vampire. Sucks the energy out of people. He has his good days. I secretly think he hates me, thinks I’m genetically and emotionally weak, and super lazy and unmotivated. He’s a loner and should be that way and quit his medication. He acts superior and is egotistical. The world does not revolve around him.

On the other hand, the rest of my family is very nice and encouraging. My dad frankly said I would end up being homeless someday. He was harsh. Living with him was a nightmare and like walking on eggshells.

We need supportive environments and nice people around us. We cannot handle stress. It takes a unique person to handle people like ourselves.


For me my dad is the best of all my family.
My mother tried many times to kick me out of the house. Once I left the house to become homeless walked a few streets, my dad followed me and told me to come back home.

He said I am a mountain surrounding and protecting you no matter what.


Awesome. Your dad sounds like a great guy. My mom is like that and especially my step-father. Even my brother. My sister said I can live with her if something happens to my mother.


They seem to want to be cool(your brothers). I was like that until my senior year in high school. I learned that being cool is not wise. It keeps you from being you. When you try to not be cool it frees you, and you can just be yourself and not have to act a certain way.


People here >>> “normal” people any day tbh

I’ve had enough of so-called normal people


Firstly folk who look at other peoples phones without permission are dicks.

Second tell your brothers they are also dicks for their views.

In short your brothers are dicks

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Honestly I’m so happy you have someone to be supportive because your brothers sound really mean and unhelpful. Making fun of someone for their illness, and belittling them for it isn’t funny or constructive its just cruel.
I hope you keep coming on here Aziz. Don’t know how helpful it is for you but I find it helpful knowing I’m not alone in this and reading other people’s thoughts/problems/suggestions etc. Like I don’t see how any adult can object to their family finding support online and dissing them for it. Seems really absurd to me.


An ex psychiatrist had told me to stop joining this forum. Of course I didn’t hear him

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i have told my psychiatrist iam on this forum he didnt told me to stop he just told me to stay unless i get unhappy etc


You are not a loser.
Stop listening to your family.


Do you look up to your brothers or do they look up to you? For the most part it just sounds like the same stuff siblings always go through.

And no doubt you may complain to your parents and the best you get in return is them telling you to fight your own battles.

Brothers. Sisters. SSDD


Actually your brothers are the only losers!
This forum is so informative and i only found real human beings here!
I don’t have mental illness,im here to support my son who stopped talking all of a sudden…
Im representing him here in this forum
Im also in the family forum for myself…
I learn a lot from being here!
You are a cool person Aziz I always look for your posts
Please stay here :slight_smile:
By the way,i tried to send you a private message but I didn’t know how :woman_facepalming:t2:

My family said don’t talk with people with illness like me or I become like them.I met with a bunch of social anxiety/depression friend and I had 2 great years socialising walking around places with them.We even went oversea to Thailand once and it was such a adventure that I will never forget.Anyway,disregard what your brother says and stay here or leave on your own choice,not influence by others

@Toota I’d like to encourage you to join our forum for Family and Caregivers that can be found at:

While this is a peer support forum for people with schizophrenia and other closely related psychotic disorders, the Family forum is specifically for people like yourself, who have a loved one they are concerned about.

Also, please let your loved one know about this forum as they may find it helpful.

Best of luck,

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