My brothers found out that I am here by looking at my cellphone without my permission.
They told me don’t talk with loosers or you will become one. They told me to talk to normal people not crazy ppl.
I know they’re wrong, it doesn’t matter who I talk to, ppl won’t magically heal me. I need meds to heal.
I like passing time here just like my tech forums.
I will stay here.
I want to move out but I can’t take care of myself.
I told my parents to put my brothers out, they said they’re young. Sometimes they push and hit me telling me you have to fight in life.
Talk to whoever makes you happy. That’s your zone.
Push yourself if you want but it’s up to your determination. This is a support forum after all, and the ultimate goal is for people here to normalize and grow.
Definitely put a password on your phone.
I would try and put their comment to one side. If you find it helpful being here, it doesn’t really matter what your brothers say. They probably don’t know what schizophrenia is like anyway.
I have a pw but sometimes they come by surprise from my back while I am browsing the forum on my cellphone or PC. They also told me to stop taking pictures of my food and cloths.