He keeps treating me like I’m dead.He keeps looking down on me because I have low comprehension. He has a lot of comprehension, and he is a regular doctor and a sports medicine doctor. I keep trying to strike a conversation with him and he never talks and engages in the conversation. Also he never talks to me with striking up a conversation with me. He is super conceited with how smart he is…therefore he treats me like crap. I think he is supposed to have mercy on me and he dose the opposite. I don’t think I am stupid, but I have low comprehension. Does anybody else have family members or friends or coworkers that strike a nerve with you?
Sorry I’m just angry with my brother-in-law and I’m venting now. ahhhh now I feel better. I only talked about this maybe once or twice over like 10 or 12 years, that’s why I feel better.
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