My brain is a different place without meds

I was just remembering. It’s all swirly and noisy and there’s lots of images and trying to make sense of it all. It a lot to deal with. With medicine it’s so orderly and sane. I’m really happy they have medicine for psychosis. I’m really lucky.


Happy for you : )


I’m not so keen on the medication. I perfectly understand why people want to stay on it, I am staying on it myself at the moment, but I don’t want to be on it for life. I feel like a baby with schizophrenia and I put it down to the medication messing with my brain, I can no longer look after myself in the same way I could before. I take 400mg of Clopixol per month, yet the medication makes me very sleepy – I sleep in until about 1-3 pm each day.

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Try caffeine, I used to sleep all day on Risperdal when not drinking coffee. Now I drink 3 cups through the day and never nap. I sleep from 11pm to 8-9am.

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Good that it works well for you! :slight_smile:

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That is a good post leaf.


You’re lucky. I do drink Coffee in order to stay alert and hopefully the issue with sleep shall resolve itself once I get more used to my lower dosage. Thanks.


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