I still sell about twenty books a year. Some day my book will be discovered. It is popular with psychiatrist it seems. sells as a text book too.
I just ordered your book. I look forward to reading it.
oh thank you so much !! every book counts !! I hope you enjoy it… @StripedShirtBoy
I ordered the book too. I won’t be able to read it until I get back home from out of town.
How many pages is it?
wow @TomCat that pumps me up so much !! THANK YOU !!
Can you see people’s names and shipping addresses when they order it?
no I just see my sales ratings on amazon…you can see it too…when I sell a book it goes down to about 110,000 in ranks but right now it stands at about 1,500,000. these last two book sales will drop it down too when the sales are finalized.
Cool, I ordered one
my gosh !! thank you @Ninjastar I am so thrilled…that will drop me down way down in the sales rankings !!
Is dropping down in the sales rankings a good thing?
the lower the ranking, the better it is in sales.
I would love to buy your book too.
I am on a budget now but hope to buy it before Christmas.
@SacredNeigh7 aww that is sweet of you…thank you for caring.
Congrats on the book @jukebox!
it’s 188 pages. pretty short for a book I guess.
Go jukebox! You rock!
Well it doesn’t really seem like my cup of tea… what is the tone of the book? Is it dark? Is it funny? Is it serious??
I wish you the best of luck in selling it!!
hi @Noise it is euphoric at the beginning but I must admit it gets pretty dark when I start thinking the devil is after me…I wrote the book for the purpose of showing people how much we suffer from our delusions…not for schizophrenics really…
with the sales so far my book is now ranked 83,000. the ranking is very temporary…it will eventually slide back into the millions in ranking but it gives me great hope to see the ranking go to such a low level !! thank all of you who have bought my book !! yayyyy.
congrats ! @jukebox wish you luck with your literature !
I put 2 poetry books out and only got a couple of hits, but I’m hoping it goes higher.
I will purchase your book, but it’s going to take me months to finish it, ha.
Congrats once again !