Moving update

The movers will be here Thursday morning to move my stuff to my new apartment. I got just about all of it boxed up yesterday. I took the TV set apart and have the computer boxed up. I only have my smartphone and a portable radio available.

So I’m comfortable now that it will all get done by Thursday. Right now I’m doing a final load of laundry, then I’m going to take it easy the rest of the day.


Sounds like you have been busy! Good luck in your new home

:four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover:


Thanks @Joker 1515

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You are days ahead, good work! I hope you like your new place.


Thanks @Leaf 15151515


Awesome. Hope everything goes smoothly.


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Thanks @ThePickinSkunk

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You’re welcome. Where are you moving?

An apartment in the senior citizens building, still in Little Rock. I turned 62 last May, and you have to be 62 or older to live there

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Very nice. Getting older has it’s benefits I find.

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