Moving out of home!

I’m hoping to find out how to move out of home! I feel like the relationship with my parents is dwindling… any ideas of how to secure a home in Australia. I’m only on dsp!

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Anyone? 1515151515

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I want to move out too because I don’t want roll of scapegoat to look n talk down at and devalue and disrespect etc

You can get on government housing waiting list.

Or you can save up for a camper van to live in or take out a car loan and buy a camper van.

I’m not so independent in a way but I don’t want to be around people who de value me and disrespect me and don’t love me etc

I can’t afford to rent on the rent market and i don’t know what to do.

I’m afraid of getting kicked out and becoming homeless.

I want to move but can’t afford to.

A man froze to death in Australia despite he was living in his car he still froze to death.

I don’t know what to do.

Some government housing areas are rough areas too while others are more calm.

How long can I live here if I refuse to meet “family “……

Would be so awesome to have one’s own realestate yet I can’t even afford to rent .

You could also rent a room but then you could get kicked out at any time and havd horrible house mates or even ones who steal from you or party all night …
I wouldn’t want that.


Here in America we have the Section 8 program for low income renters. Is there anything like that down in Australia?


I have some savings, but want them to remain as savings… thanks for the input @SacredNeigh7 i feel like government housing is the step, but not aware of anyone I know doing it. Will need to chart to the pdoc when I see them next! Feel like my times running out and not sure where to go because I got used to the living arrangements!


Any advice would be much appreciated!?

Don’t know about housing but I get on far better now with my parents since living alone


Is there a local government organisation you can go to to speak about what is available?

Here in the uk, devolved from the main government is a system of councils for each geographic area - we go to them when we need government assistance as they represent the government


Here there is social housing. But in my town the waiting list is 7-10 years. You do have to be wary of a lot of social problems in those buildings like drugs and violence.


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