Mouse butchered some journal articles

I was told to read and critique a few articles for the lab yesterday. I ripped both articles new orifices in terms of external validity. I mean those articles were ■■■■. The third article was theoretical and very good, however.

The doctoral student who supervises me said that criticizing articles like how I explained to him a certain flaw in the sample size and therefore the whole validity of the study is an advanced doctoral student skill and that it is a very good skill to have. I picked that skill up on my own when I was a sophomore researching violence and schizophrenia (crappy subject pool and poor external validity) and then my therapist said that they taught him how to butcher articles in his clinical doctorate program.

Looks like mouse can smell cheese very well indeed. I know when cheese is moldy!


Dude once you get done with school you should take a couple years off and sort out the schiz business. You can get over this ■■■■. It would make your life so much easier. You can reprogram your mind. Takes a little time.

Just a recommendation really it’s your call.

Your proving yourself to be very academically capable even with this illness. I think you deserve to recover but it will always be your battle.

Good luck man. Keep the good news flowing.

I appreciate the advice but I get crazier without things to do, I’ve had semesters where I wasn’t occupied and it made me worse.


Well good luck man, only you know what is best for yourself.

Wow this is a throwback.

That skill has me in a doctoral program and I graduated top of my class in undergrad after that, and my thesis won me tattoo money and a plaque and two medals.

I have butchered too many articles by now.

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