I start to notice more hair on my chin. I still dont have my periods since I am on Zyprexa. I take Depakote too.
is it possible to have more pilosity because of meds? gosh, maybe those meds really make us uglier like thinks my ill friend…
Depakote can mess with your Hormones, especially for females. (Increased Testosterone levels)
This could be causing excessive facial hair.
Depakote can also mess with your menstrual cycles.
It can put a Stop to your periods.
I would talk it over with your Doctors.
Have your Testosterone levels checked.
Good luck @Anna1
Stress will put a dark ugly pelo (hair🤓) on my chin overnight, same for my mama.
If you are getting more than an occasinal few that can’t be explained by external reasons, it might pay to have some labwork done by your Dr.
Hormones out of whak can make you an emotional mess- fast.
…and yes, it also makes your overall appearance more coarse.
but @Wave, do you think that if its my meds this will stop at certain time? I mean for the moment, its bearable so if it stops to grow now it will be fine… yeap, here the docs dont care about your other issues. my country is poor, my mom says that it sucks… yeap, ill check maybe my testosterone levels. its not the estrogene ones isn’t it?
I don’t know @Anna1 it’s best to have your Testosterone checked by a Doctor.
I do know that Depakote can cause increased Testosterone levels especially in women.
This can cause other issues.
so its not some other hormone wave? yeah, ill have to go to a lab here. if you are not sure that its the testosterone that ill need to check ill ask my pdoc by the phone. maybe its progesterone? or estrogenes?
I have my lab work done from time to time.
You know blood testing - urine etc…
It’s always a good idea because we are on meds that cause side effects.
Talk it over with your Doctor.
I am going to have a blood test soon to check on my liver functioning- I’m on Depakote also.
Liver tests are important to get while taking Depakote
Could be PCOS - would explain the amenorrhoea.
In fact Depakote can cause PCOS
@Anna1 I would get tested for PCOS As well.
Good luck with everything.
its more the Depakote that can cause this @Wave? its not the Zyprexa you think? I should go to a gynecologist but I hate those kind of doctors. I have my problems with them …
I’m not a doctor @Anna1
I know that you hate going to the gynecologist but you may have to see specialists.
Yes it could be the Depakote but it might not be.
You can find out by seeing a doctor and getting tests done.
I don’t like going to the doctors myself but sometimes I have to go.
Good luck @Anna1
Gaining weight, not getting your period, and developing facial hair are all signs of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). Definitely go to a doctor about this. You will most likely need to see a gynecologist and get an ultrasound of your ovaries. That test really sucks, but it’s important. PCOS is very treatable. A simple estrogen birth control pill can stop the facial hair growth and regulate your periods. It’s really no big deal.