Monster energy drink - “its nice to know they have figured out how to put anxiety in a can”

One can of that and you can guarantee a good old fashioned helluva bad time



That’s funny. I’ve never actually had one though.

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I wouldn’t recommend it. It’s basically drugs


Hey EH just amended the title after you posted. Hope that is cool

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That’s cool.

I’m tempted to try a monster drink now though!


Honestly man. I know your struggles with coffee and such. It would be like pouring gasoline on a campfire


Yes I’d agree. It doesn’t give me anxiety but it is a hell of a drug. Many might say not because it doesn’t contain anything illicit but all the legal substances combined make a hell of a drink lol


they have a drink in stores now called Liquid Death, its just water tho. Seems like same brand marketing as Monster, sojething scary inside anyway


i have one everyday. drinking one right now


In Thailand they sell concentrated red bull in small medicine bottles


When we were kids there was a rumour that taurine was bull’s sperm :rofl:


Somebody told me they got the taurine from bulls livers


I started drinking monster’s and other energy drinks like red bull and others I forgot about in high school. It’s become an addiction or dependence or something like that. It’s worsening my mental health.

I’ve tried them all really except NOS and some of the newer ones and knock off ones. I figure it’s better than soda with the vitamins and minerals, but it’s way more expensive and probably worse than my health now. I thought I had ADD growing up but never got diagnosed or took the medication.

I even got diagnosed with Asperger’s and probably definitely have the traits of it too. My dad has severe OCD too that I sort of inherited. I’ve probably been diagnosed with OCD too but mine is more mental.

I chose monsters because you get twice the fluid or liquid for the same price as Red Bull lol.

They’re expensive and it’s a crippling addiction for me and a bizarre addiction or dependence. I’m sure it has contributed to my mental illness.

I like the occasional sugar free Rock-star and even Celsius and Kick-starts lol.

I never tried NOS or the weird ones, but in high school I did try Red-line (bad stuff). I even tried alpha brain and supplements. I think the meds make me drink more because of my sugar and carbonation urges and under stimulation. I hate being under-stimulated. I even thought marijuana helped curb or reduce or stop my energy drink addiction for a bit. I was never big into alcohol as I was a social drinker basically.

Right now, I’m saving over $300 a month by cutting my energy drink consumption to 4 a day right now. I feel mentally better and safer and healthier. I’m constantly broke and can’t do a budget or save with this irrational drinking and my memory and planning and executive functioning suffers. I never had motivation or energy or drive. I sometimes go without water for days or weeks even. When I drink a water bottle I feel better and rejuvenated even and clear headed for a bit.

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i heard it was bull urine


Taurine, also known as 2-aminoethanesulfonic acid, is a naturally occurring amino sulfonic acid found widely in animal tissues. It plays several roles in the body, including being a major component of bile and accounting for up to 0.1% of total human body weight1. Let’s explore its origins:

  1. Discovery and Name:
  1. Synthesis:
  1. Commercial Production:

The last time I had an energy drink was about 6 years ago.

They were giving small cans of a new brand for free just outside a subway station here

I drank it, and yeah, got a good 15-20 min of a strong panic attack
Considering I already suffer from anxiety and panic, I’m never drinking one of those again

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Tbh as well I don’t think they shouldn’t be sold to kids. Maybe allowed at 18


I felt numb or immune to them now I realize it makes me worse. I think they should have a limit and be geared towards adults or 18 and over too.

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I looooovee monsters. In moderation of course.


I heard of people who died from Panera bread lemonade. Apparently it’s extremely caffeinated and they would give free refills.

I think everyone has to use their own discernment with whatever they choose to put into their body or not lol

But yeah I’d even heard of some energy drinks being banned after the fact :o
