Missed a pickin' session with my friends

I am out of practice on my banjo plus it was a long drive to go to the pickin’ party…there were about four bluegrass pickers there…sad I missed it…I really need to play this banjo more…I don’t know why I don’t? I am going to try to play it more…all I really play is my guitar daily so I think I will add fifteen mins of banjo picking every time I play my guitar now as a rule…

who likes the banjo?


What’s a pickin’ party ? Sounds interesting !

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just a get together of about four people playing bluegrass…

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My grandfather had a banjo. My dad is a musician so I’ve been to a jam session before but not a pickin party.

Practicing more of the Banjo is a good idea @jukebox!
I love the banjo!

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I’m a huge bluegrass fan. Banjos are awesome

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I’ve got banjo soundfonts in my MIDI software so I occasionally “play banjo” when I’m messing around with my keytar. It’s fun!


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I love bluegrass and especially when they cover stuff like Metallica.


yes I love hard rock bluegrass…I forget the names of the two bands I listen to that do that but if you want me to I will look up their names for you…

How long have you been playing banjo jukebox? That’s awesome.

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Do y’all have Hoe Downs where you are? I don’t know how to spell hoe. A hoe down is basically a bunch of country bands playing country and bluegrass music on a big stage in the middle of a field

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@roxanna I have been playing 43 years…I was taught at the age of 13. I am 56…haha I’m an old man…

@Loke we have bluegrass festivals…there’s one that’s an international bluegrass festival in Oklahoma in Guthrie every September…I’ve been to that one and one in Winfield Kansas is also a big festival…fun camping, picking around the campfire and getting drunk to boot ! good times…haven’t been in about a decade.

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@jukebox. Sounds like a hoe down We must just call it that here

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there is fiddle contests at the festivals…it’s just an urban “hoedown”…I guess…very interesting.

The banjo is sweet. I love when the Irish play it.

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Sure! Thanks. 1515

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Steve ‘n’ Seagulls they do a bunch of great covers on the banjo in their band…another heavy metal bluegrass band is Native Howl…they are both on Spotify. @anon4362788

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Sweet! I will go check them out later this afternoon. Thanks a lot

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