we loved doing the show so much and my friends enjoyed it so much that we are going to start doing the show twice a year…this means I get to see my friends from Tulsa more and I couldn’t be happier…!!
Good for you @jukebox!
I love bluegrass!
That sounds fun and good for everyone. Good for you
Nice! I went to college with some guys who play the Bluegrass circuit too!
I’m from England, Bluegrass music has a big following here. I love Bluegrass music.
Glad it went well Juke!
How fun! I think playing twice is a great idea!
Sounds a decent plan. Always good to catch up with people you know.
Juke what instrument do you play because if its bluegrasses it must be something other than the electric guitar
One of my friends hosts a karoke festival. They did it outside following health guidance this year and it turned out fine. People can still gather, they just have to exercise caution.
@Illvoices I play banjo when we play bluegrass…my friend flatpicks the guitar with me…thanks everyone for the popular thread.!~!
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