Not psychosis, but worrying about scan on the 4th. I can’t shake the feeling that it’s cancer , and I’ll be dead soon.
get better soon
get better soon
Try not to think about it. That will only make you more miserable. We’re praying for you.
Health anxiety sucks. As does my mind’s tendency to fear the worst.
The scan will be soon. I’m sure it’ll be nothing serious. You’ll be fine.
Keep us informed.
We’re all thinking about you.
Try doing things to help keep you as busy as possible until the scan results come in. Try not to worry until you get bad results. Most biopsies etc turn out to be nothing serious, so you’ve got that going for you.
Do you know people you can spend time with ? You could try to get together and focus on their lives. Ask lots of questions to keep you occupied
The GP came to see me about an hour ago about my legs. My daughter was here.The GP has prescribed some antibiotics. My daughter mentioned the scan and said something about a fluid sac.
I hope it’s ok @firemonkey i know it’s hard but try not to worry
There’s also a good chance it may not be. What my wife was worried was cancer turned out to be benign cysts. I had a cancer scare because of a PSA test with high numbers coming back. Turned out to likely be a bad test, subsequent tests have been fine.
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