Feeling really woried about my health

In november i was in hospital for low Iron, hemoglobin 7,9 got 2 transfuzions and iron. Felt better but they didnt found out what was the cause, since i have intestinal problems like diherea gases and stomach pain to the right of belly button, but i had my appendix already removed. 19.01.2024 i have colonoscopy scheduled and i’m afraid its cancer or something really bad. Its 8 more days of belly pain and feeling bad and i’m loosing my mind. :frowning:


Try to focus on other things. Survival chances for even serious issues are very good these days.


How do your worries manifest themselves - with tension, upset stomach, etc?


Hey @banteq00 . I think I’d be worried too but I worry over everything.

The colonoscopy is just a week away.

It could be anything, so don’t jump to conclusions.

sorry bud…hope it all works out…try not to worry until you hear more.


I also have low Iron low ferratin Low everything regarding Iron I am having it addressed come the first week of May. Also have also health concerns I am worried about one I feel is my fault since I waited so long to have a mammogram and now, they found something on my left breast worried and scared about that. I just have to have faith and hope and pray everything checks out ok I am hoping the sketchy mammogram will check out normal this next time when I go for a follow up mammogram. All my other tests were negative so I just have to have faith and believe that this one will also check out and if not, I will do what it takes to take care of the problem. Worst case scenario could be cancer then again it could be a fatty cyst on my breasts my mom had those when she had her mammogram just too many thoughts running through my mind right now. I may go to the gym Monday to get my mind on my music, so I don’t have to think so much and worry so much. Haven’t gone since hearing the news about my Mammogram which was today so I feel you and everyone who struggles with mental illness and any other health issues I get it totally you are not alone @ banteq00.

Sorry to hear that you are having health issues, hope it will turn out just something insignificant and non-threatening. In my case low iron was probably because gastric slip hernia which i had surgery for 3 weeks ago and still gaining strenght back. Sending good vibes. Stay possitive.

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