Mental illness and substance use: the two often go hand in hand so why is it so difficult to get help?

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My CPN who gives me my depot jabs at home - told me at least 90% of schizophrenics hes dealt with - use cannabis or alcohol to self-medicate their symptoms.

I myself have got alcohol abuse on the clinic letter as well as Schizophrenia (F20.0) and EUPD Traits.

I think it just goes with the territory.

Strangley enough - they said they dont mind me drinking, so long as its in moderation. But I quit anyway.


I think also - that after many schizophrenics have experienced isolation for many months due to being unwell - are naturally gonna go down the pub for a bit of social.

Having the odd beer down the bar - can have a beneficial effect, instead of locking yourself away indoors, with just the voices to do your head in.

Its when you rely on the beer too much to cope with your feelings that it becomes a problem.


Before being on meds I though alcohol can stop my voices. I vomitted sometimes on my friends in bars. I was lucky that they stayed friends with me. They limited my alcohol intake by not letting me buy some and offered me small amounts instead.

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"I though alcohol can stop MY VOICES " !!
The human creature has only single voice,it is the voice of tongue
While the voices be heard by the human being during his coexistence with the mutual bilateral dialogue of the imaginary people are not his own voices at all,even so they are not a voices in nature

They are an audible vocal thoughts produced by the imaginary people (hallucinations entities ),and they are not the production of the human genetic characteristics or the brain areas that responsible to producing the thoughts of oneself or the signals that translated into pronounced speech by the tongue

In sums,they are not rooted from the human genetic functions and they are not a voices mainly
This is the actual data of nature that cannot be challenged by saying any wrong words and appearing them as true !

In the county mental health group I go to they have lots of treatment for comorbidity. They screen everyone who goes there to assess the need. Then they put you in the appropriate treatments.

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The heard thoughts are perception without corresponding stimuli
The visual stuff are perception without corresponding stimuli
The feelings be felt are perception without corresponding stimuli

Tell me, how you can find appropriate treatment for this effectiveness ?

Because ‘help’ is being industrialized in a way that causes people to ‘do a job’ based on what they learn and not what they feel.

What’s maddening to me is how little people understand this and how little people realize how much more ‘substance use’ there is beyond ‘drugs’.

Food is probably the number one ‘substance’ people use to avoid pain from unwanted situations and living with some negative people who use all kinds of things to cover their negative emotions/resentments/etc…

When you belief that the symptoms of sz is the result of mental illness and insist on that
In reality,it is supposed that ,it must be there is an illness substance in the inherited psychological structure (component),look like what is happens in genetic disease

It must be,there is change has been occurred in the inherited psychological structure that leads to the disorder in the psychological functions
So,the reasonable question must be asked is;
what is the defect /change that has occurred in the inherited substance of psychological self and leads to the functional disorder which in turns leads to induce the symptoms of schizophrenia ?

Or/ what the nature of main change in the psychological substance ?

As we say,the things be called hallucinations in itself is the change (mutation) that occurs in the inherited psychological substance

  • It means,the hallucinations is the psychological mutation which linking with the inherited psychological self and has seeks to be a natural part from the human psychological self
    so ,now,it is easy to understand the nature of sz and be able to say sz is Real mental illness !!

Well, when I was smoking crack, I was fine with it and didn’t want any help and didn’t want to quit. But eventually when things were really bad and an opportunity came up to do something about my problem I jumped at the chance.

In AA they say it plainly: You can try to reason with an addict, you can threaten them with jail or financial ruin or losing their family but they won’t quit. They will only seek help when they want to.

why it is so difficult to deal with sz as a real mental illness ?

Because,there are mythological belief within the theoretical models related sz;
until now,they deal with the things be called hallucinations as a part from the whole schizophrenia condition,which it means that the hallucination is a symptom released from the functional activity of sz condition

In sums,they look at the hallucinations as a result of sz condition
While in actual reality,the schizophrenia word is just a name without corresponding condition,and be used to naming a group of different symptoms -nothing else

the symptoms are the personal impressions of any external observer -whatever they are
while the things be called hallucinations is a real living psychological health condition for higher entity (s),and the schizophrenied person coexist with the hallucination all possible time of mindfulness,day by day to the end of lifetime

Internally ,inside the time-place of conscious state of the person, he does not coexist with a condition be called schizophrenia ,rather, he coexist with / deal with the things be called hallucination which producing endless of vocal thoughts all time of waking ,therefore he has going under the impact of this coexistence which causing the change in his cognitive material concepts about the world of things which in turns is reflecting into his personal behavioral responses towards all daily life events that he coexists / interacts with them in his external environment

The coexistence with the hallucination during the time of waking is the cause of any change /disorder or symptoms ,and this does not causing a secretion of An Abnormal Chemical substances in the brain at all ,but the actual impact on the chemical balance system will be appears in the increasing degree of amount of metabolism results which determined by the timing of the coexistence with the hallucination along the day hours !